Embark on the Expedition. Uncover your own Warrior.

Have you ever realized that most impactful learning comes from not sitting in on a seminar reading a book but from immersing yourself in meaningful experiences and intentional environments?

With the combination of skilled instruction, hands on application, and challenging (but empowering) missions, we know that in one week, you’ll take away more than any class you have taken in the past.

These are the things that only the Wild can teach you.

Our Women’s Warrior Expedition is intentionally designed from top to bottom and includes everything from the time you arrive till the time you leave. This is an all inclusive program. Prior to the Expedition, you will be given a 10 Week intentionally crafted physical training schedule, to get you prepared.

You bring only yourself, personal clothing for the expedition and personal items. We will provide a packing list well in advance. All other gear and food will be provided by Warrior Ranch.

All meals and accommodations are included.

What to Expect:

When you arrive here at our home base in Western Colorado, you’ll be staying at Warrior House headquarters and have two days to acclimate to elevation and train. Those two days are our “Install Phase” where you’ll learn exactly how to do what you’ll need to execute later in the wilderness.

Topics included in the “Install Phase”:

  • Land navigation (compass and maps), pace counting, terrain association and astrological markers.

  • The Big Three of Survival (and all associated skills): Shelter (traditional and natural), Water (location and purification), Food (foraging skills, medicinal and nutritional qualities, and wilderness nutrition).

  • You will also be learning skills in fire building, mountaineering (ropes, harnesses, and team safety), all gear usage, and the mindsets needed during survival or challenging situations.

All training is mission dependent training based specifically on team dynamics and location.

After your “Install Phase”, we will depart as a team to basecamp. The wilderness will become your home for the remainder of your expedition.

Training In the “Wilderness Phase”:

This is where you will put the survival training that you recently learned to work. You will learn all the values of leadership in this phase, by leading and by following others lead.

  • Team leaders and buddy teams will be assigned. (This will rotate throughout the expedition)

  • Missions and objectives will be conducted throughout the expedition.

  • Everyone will lead at some point in the expedition.

  • Fire talks (Fan Favorite) will be conducted in the evening, which is a topic that allows for interaction and leadership growth.

All missions will be conducted with complete evaulation of cadre for safety considerations.

After we finish final mission, and debrief, we will began process of going back to Warrior Ranch to offload gear and equipment.

A Glimpse of Your First Few Hours....

We will trek up a mountainside with no trails, people, or distractions. You will be paired up with someone in a “buddy team” with a new leader beginning to sharpen their navigation skills and take the group with them on this journey. 

The path is not marked or detailed--just a map with an X and a compass for the destination. So the journey begins. The peaks all around seem intense and daunting, but to the person that wants leadership, the wilderness will teach them more about themselves and life than any book that has ever been written. The navigator looks at the azimuth and begins to question if they are headed in the right direction, but the needle doesn’t lie. So they push on through the vast wilderness, hoping that their confidence as a leader and in their equipment can help them maintain the path they lead the others on. Crossing creeks that the map has indicted has boosted the group’s confidence that they are on the right track. Up through the grandeur of a meadow and ascending the ridge to the open expanse beyond, the team finds where the camp will be set up.

The weight of the packs, exhaustion, and sweat from the journey is almost swept away by the vast beauty of the surrounding mountains. The battle buddy teams have bonded, helping one another on the way up, building an absolute trust. The leader has felt the triumph of leading the first trek of the journey, and the smile on their face can tell you the first foundation of confidence that has been established. 

The fire talks from leaders around the campfire at night expand on leadership, resilience, and confidence and sparks a fire in the hearts of the group. This day is only the first step of the journey. Soon night will fall, and tomorrow will bring a new voyage, with a new leader ready to earn the confidence of their team.

Dr. S Allen

It forever changed me. Talking like a change on a DNA level, I don’t know how to quantify that. I reset and didn’t go back. A very powerful gearshift in life.

K Duggan

It awoken something inside of me. To know that there is such a different way to live life, then what you see most people living, such as the rat race of life. When you focus just on the basic necessities everything gets so quiet.

K Marshall
I learned that my comfort zone is so much bigger and can be expanded, if I just dare to venture outside of it. I learned to challenge myself to get outside of it. I am more likely to take a different route to work so to speak, because I know have that knowledge.

M Barta

I am so much more capable than I ever thought.
Seeing how much I accomplished in the little amount of time, let me know I am so much more capable than I give myself credit for.


July 2024 Dates coming soon

Ouray County, CO

Women’s Warrior Expedition

Next Step:

Filling out an application simply means you’re interested in the expedition.

Our form gathers some necessary information and gets the process rolling for team selection. It isn’t a commitment on your end and no payment is received. We review applications and inform you of the decision at which point you’ll have the option to enroll. We want to make sure that every person’s abilities pair up with the expedition dynamics.

We will contact you shortly after the application is submitted.