
  • Dr. S Allen

    It forever changed me. Talking like a change on a DNA level, I don’t know how to quantify that. I reset and didn’t go back. A very powerful gearshift in life.

  • K Duggan

    It awoken something inside of me. To know that there is such a different way to live life, then what you see most people living, such as the rat race of life. When you focus just on the basic necessities everything gets so quiet.

  • K Marshall

    I learned that my comfort zone is so much bigger and can be expanded, if I just dare to venture outside of it. I learned to challenge myself to get outside of it. I am more likely to take a different route to work so to speak, because I know have that knowledge.

  • M Barta

    I am so much more capable than I ever thought.
    Seeing how much I accomplished in the little amount of time, let me know I am so much more capable than I give myself credit for.

  • R Cincotta

    I have been training with George Davis and the Warrior Ranch for a little over a year now and I have gained knowledge and skills that I will be able to pass down to my children. My journey with the Warrior Ranch has given me the ability to not only survive but to thrive in the wilderness. The experiences and excursions will test you and push you outside your comfort zone but George is always right there to have your back. If you want to make a change in your life, become a stronger version of yourself or simply learn a new skill set the Warrior Ranch is the company that will get you there!